We really want this website to as big as possible, and have as much viewers as possible. So heres what we're going to do. We are going to give out Rep that will eventually earn you V.I.P., or Moderator status as long as you advertise our site by:
How To Advertise
1. After playing a game just tell people theres a new gamesave website and that its at bhie.4umer.com-
2. If you dont feel like playing on your PSP any more than just create a locked game saying: "bhie.4umer.com" and leave your PSP charging and just sitting there-
This will really help the website out by bringing more community gamesaves, and more viewers that may be potential gamesave makers. I hope some of you participate in this and that it actually helps out our site. I will also be advertising our website. We are also asking PaRaDoX, and Bio-Saves to help advertise us by creating threads in their forum about us!