Guess I might as well release this to you guys. Bubblegun V6, & V5 were going to put in the Black Market where people had to buy them for like 80 000 Credits and be like the third highest ranking on the website. But since they're not going to be made, I'll just explain what they were going to be.
PRIMARY: AS.50 (Full Accuracy, Full Damage, & Full Lock-On Speed by VoRt3X)
Upper Reciever: High Scope (with Thermal Scope heat vision)
Barrel: -NONE- (Already has full accuracy, having none will make the gamesave more hidden)
Muzzle: -NONE- (Easier to quickscope)
Under Barrel: MM-1 (MM-1 that could lock-on)
SECONDARY: F90 (Full Accuracy, Full Lock-On Speed)
Upper Reciever: Reflex Sight (with High Scope range)
Barrel: Pistol Laser 2
Muzzle: Muzzle Brake
Under Barrel: XM26 Shotgun (invisible to other people)
PRIMARY: VSV (Full EVERYTHING except damage, and fire rate)
Upper Reciever: High Scope (with Thermal Scope heat vision)
Barrel: -NONE-
Muzzle: -NONE-
Under Barrel: V5 AS.50 Sniper (When you kill it looks like VSV though)
SECONDARY: DE.50 (Full Damage, Full Accuracy, Lock-On Speed)
Upper Reciever: High Scope
Barrel: Pistol Laser 2
Muzzle: -NONE-
Under Barrel: V5 F90 (Looks like VSV when you kill though)
V6 Outfits:
SEAL: VoRt3X SEAL V6 (Cant get headshoted unless scoped)
MERC: VoRt3X MERC V6 (Cant get headshoted OR mm-1ed unless scoped)
Look insanely beast huh. VoRt3X made both but then they deleted when his PSP broke. The outfits on V6 make me lag a tiny bit even if im in my own room. I havent played with them to actually see them but Ive seen VoRt3X use them before.
VoRt3X was able to reduce the lag on the VSV completely therefore it kills extremely fast. He always use to I was quickscoping`when people questioned him about the VSV`s accuracy.