Please reply here telling me that you have a nice fast PC and that you have enough time to get on it, and download games.
Because we should start playing on new games while we're still playing on FTB3. We all know FTB3 is going to crash & burn when some freeze trigger happy hacker comes on, and cant be stopped.
Ijji is a website that has a REACTOR download that hosts tons of really good games. Ive currently been playing Soldier Front on the REACTOR (one of their stupider games). But it laggs less than Socom, (I can join other peoples games). We should make The Creed clan on their and start making our clan in other games. That way we have games to fall back on when we get sick of FTB3.
I cant give you the links to Ijji right now because they're having Server Maintenance, so just look up ijji on google or something and it should be the first one. The REACTOR download should not be that hard to find. Then download Soldier Front off that REACTOR first (if you can that is).